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On-Page SEO For Dental Practices & Dentists

On-page SEO assists Google in understanding websites better; it leads to improved rankings, which attract more organic traffic. To improve search traffic and visibility of a website, On-page SEO optimizes web pages for certain keywords. This includes aligning internal links with specific page elements such as headings, title tags, content, and keywords. To get visibility on page one on search engines, you need to put effort into an on-page SEO strategy. In the last two decades, a lot of things have been changed. Although Google still seems to prefer keywords in the content. The Google search algorithm is highly developed so that user-centric on-page SEO factors will remain important. On-site SEO helps search engines understand the web content, and for specific queries, it ranks relevant URLs. Users appreciate the clarity and organization provided by on-page optimization. Below are the best practices of on-page SEO for dental practices.

On-Page SEO and URLs

URLs help Google in understanding the webpage content. Here are some ways to optimize your URLs.

Include keywords

Including the primary keyword of your web content in the URL helps users and search engines understand the page content.

Use real words

Whenever possible, use real words in the URL.

Focus left

Place keyword to the left of the URL.

Keep them short

Ideally, the structure of your URL should be short and easy to understand for users and search engines. Making it easier for Google to understand the page content will result in better. In addition, Google often displays URLs in search results. If the page URL is long and contains unnecessary characters and numbers, it does not help users understand your page. Once they understand the purpose of your page, they are more likely to click on a search result.

Avoid session IDs

Avoid adding session IDs to URLs, as they generate many URLs for a single page. Google recommends using first-party cookies.

Use hyphens between words

URLs become more readable with hyphens. Like, if your webpage content is about coffee bean grinders, you can use the URL in this way

Title tags and meta descriptions

Meta tags are the most important factors of on-page SEO, especially pages’ titles. Each page includes a title tag that appears as a headline in the search results. The meta description is a page summary that shows under the title on search results. Title tags and meta descriptions are vital to help search engines and users understand the page content purpose. Compared to meta descriptions, title tags are a direct ranking factor of on-page SEO. Both are important in attracting people and making them click on a list in the search results.

Meta tag On-page SEO

On-page SEO analytics review the page title and meta description. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Place primary keyword close to title beginning.
  • Keep the title around 55 or 60 characters which are ideal. WordPress plugins like Yoast can tell you if your meta tags are lengthy.
  • Don’t use caps in title tags.
  • Have a unique title per page to avoid Google misunderstanding of page duplication.
  • Write compelling and clear titles that users are looking for.
  • Include the primary keyword in the meta description as Google bolds it in the search result for a specific query search.
  • Meta description includes 155 characters.
  • The meta description should include the page summary. Think of it as an advertisement, so people become attracted to click on it.